Compassion Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (CFACT)
Compassion-Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (CFACT) is an evidence-based form of psychotherapy, that seeks to help you cultivate compassion, wisdom and strength to face life’s challenges with greater ease and flexibility.
CFACT is an integration of elements of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Zen Buddhist principles and techniques. By basing our methods in these tried and true approaches, we can have a firm and safe foundation to advance the art and science of mindfulness and compassion focused psychotherapies.
This integration has primarily been developed by Dr. Dennis Tirch and Dr. Laura Silberstein Tirch. The developers of the method are internationally known experts in ACT, CFT and CBT, with Dr. Tirch also being a Dharma Holder in Zen Buddhist practice. This method has been in development for over 10 years, and is being researched at Kean University and in multiple locations throughout the world. Hundreds of clinicians across the globe have had introductory training in CFACT by 2023, and our community and vision are building all the time. The Center for CFT is the international home for CFACT research, development and training.
A primary goal of CFACT is to develop your ability to deal with difficult feelings and thoughts, and to take actions that are meaningful, and that help you build a life that feels as whole and full of purpose as it can.
One of our main methods will be building up your capacity for compassion for yourself and others. This approach to psychology defines compassion as the sensitivity to the presence of suffering in oneself and others, along with a commitment and dedication to alleviating and preventing that suffering.
This is more than just an idea or a type of thinking.
Research tells us that from the moment you were born, throughout your life, your experience of compassion will affect your well-being on every level, from your heart rate variability to your immune system functioning to levels of depression or anxiety.
Your brain and body are equipped with neural circuitry that stabilizes and regulates your response to threats and challenging emotions, allowing you to be grounded, flexible and to feel capable in the present moment.
This circuitry is activated by mindfulness, acceptance and compassion. Therefore, this approach emphasizes training and developing these abilities.
CFACT is centered around a number of techniques, visualizations, and practices that can cultivate the compassionate mind and stimulate the soothing affiliative-focused emotional system.