Finding Meaning in Life is Easier Than You Think: Part I
Talya Vogel Talya Vogel

Finding Meaning in Life is Easier Than You Think: Part I

Meaning in life is highly connected to your ability to respond to stress and trauma. In fact, living a life that feels meaningful or purposeful may be one of the most important aspects of resilience. Unfortunately, the path towards meaning can feel overwhelming and we can often feel unmoored by big questions about what to do or who to be. So before you stop reading out of fear that you don’t have time in your schedule to both read this and then have an existential crisis, please know we’re starting small.

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Common Reactions to Traumatic Events
Amanda Etienne Amanda Etienne

Common Reactions to Traumatic Events

Trauma-related symptoms can show up in a variety of ways, and whether symptoms meet a full diagnosis of PTSD or not, they can still be very distressing. It’s natural to want to shrink away from these feelings and avoid all reminders of the event. Unfortunately, this often has the effect of making one’s life smaller, cutting out things that truly matter.

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What is Trauma?
Amanda Etienne Amanda Etienne

What is Trauma?

… the main determination of whether an event is traumatic to an individual is whether or not it alters a person’s general experience of and expectations for themselves, others, and the world. 

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Letting Go of What Others Think
Lauren Todd Lauren Todd

Letting Go of What Others Think

It starts off innocently enough, perhaps as a review of a social situation. You ponder a potential faux pas, or consider how a comment might have landed. But the desire for that quick fix of reassurance quickly spirals into a detailed play-by-play of the entire interaction. The world begins to feel more constricted, and your perspective becomes myopic. With a sigh of exhaustion you wonder: how do I stop caring about what other people think?

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The Courage to Be Imperfect
Lauren Todd Lauren Todd

The Courage to Be Imperfect

As outlined in the previous post, perfectionism involves maintaining unrealistically high standards. If you don’t hit these standards, you feel inadequate and worthless. If you do hit these standards, you raise the bar a bit higher for the next time. As a result, it may seem that your only choice forward is to exert even greater effort to feel accomplished and worthy. But striving for improvement doesn’t resolve perfectionism; instead, it fuels the cycle. What's truly required is a different approach: conquering perfectionism demands finding acceptance with (and taking steps toward) embracing imperfection. Here are some methods to accomplish just that:

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Mini-Post: Types of Perfectionism
Lauren Todd Lauren Todd

Mini-Post: Types of Perfectionism

Did you know that there are actually different types of perfectionists? That’s right! Not all perfectionists are created alike. Researchers and clinicians have identified three primary ways in which perfectionism may manifest: self-oriented, other-oriented, and socially-prescribed perfectionism.

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